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Catholic Diocese of Kalay
Freely you have received, freely give (Mt. 10:8-9). it is more blessed to give than to receive (Acts 20:35)
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Annual Retreat of Priests of Kalay Diocese (16-19.2023)

Annual Retreat of Priests of Kalay Diocese (16-19.2023)
Annual Retreat of Priests of Kalay Diocese began from this evening with Veni Creator Spiritus and Meditation Points given by the Retreat Preacher Rev. Fr. Girish Santiago SJ (Regional Superior of Myanmar).
The Retreat will end with Rite of Reconciliation Service and Apostolic Blessing on the evening of January 19, 2023.
The Priests keep praying for all of you especially for Peace of the Country, Myanmar. Let's support them in turn to be able to encounter with God more and more during in this retreat.
Kalay Diocese sunga om Siampite Kum Cin Pasian thu lungngaihna pen tu nitak panin ki pan ta hi. Ni thum bit sung ki bawl in (19.1.2023) ni nitak lamin man ding hi.
Pasian thu lungngaihna a man khit ciangin thu kikupna (25.1.2023) ni dong om ding hi. Tua khitteh Siampite amau omna ciat ah ciah kik thei pan ding uh hi.
Siampite in Pasian thu Lungngaihna leh Thu Kikupna te limtakin a bawl theih nangin thu ngetsak ciat ni.
Pasian thu lungngaihna leh Thu Kikupna hun sung tengin annek ding a piakhiate tungah nakpi takin Diocese min tawh lungdam kongko uh hi.
A pia nuam laite in zong atawm a tam ciloin piak zawh zah zah kipia thei lai hi cih lungdamna thu hong tangko ung. Lungdam.
#RVATedimchinservice #RVAZomiChinService #KalayDiocese

2023-01-26 08:30:14
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